I saw this question regularly in developer community how to show items in a hierarchy in VFP like this.
Child 1
Grand Child1
Child 2
Grand Child2
Now here is an Example :
I created a New Object Hierarchy
Added two fields in it :
1) AccountId : To save reference to Account Record
2)Parent Hierarchy : To save the Parent Hierarchy record
I created a Account : Test Hierarchy
And 5 Records for Hierarchy Object for this account record
Parent1 : No parent hierarchy
Child 1 : Parent Hierarchy = Parent1
Child 2 : Parent Hierarchy = Parent1
Now our Aim is to show them in this way
Apex Controller For this
In VFP I have used escape="false" in the outPutLabel to allow html rendering in our case &npsp; to show blank space. We can easily achieve this using it without it with use of Apex:Variable and calculate space with help of it.
Now give URL to your VFP in address bar and pass account id in query string
like this
View The result
In above Child2 has come first as Hierarchy records are coming from SOQL are DESC order of Last Modified date.
I saw this question regularly in developer community how to show items in a hierarchy in VFP like this.
Child 1
Grand Child1
Child 2
Grand Child2
Now here is an Example :
I created a New Object Hierarchy
Added two fields in it :
1) AccountId : To save reference to Account Record
2)Parent Hierarchy : To save the Parent Hierarchy record
I created a Account : Test Hierarchy
And 5 Records for Hierarchy Object for this account record
Parent1 : No parent hierarchy
Child 1 : Parent Hierarchy = Parent1
Child 2 : Parent Hierarchy = Parent1
Grand Child 1 : Parent Hierarchy = Child1
Grand Child 2 : Parent Hierarchy = Child2
Now our Aim is to show them in this way
Apex Controller For this
//Create Hierarchy public class hierarchy{ //List of items to be displayed in hierarchy public List<hierarchyItem> hierarchyItemList {get;set;} //map of all hierarchy records related to for a account for which we are showing hierarchy private Map<Id , Hierarchy__c> mapHierarchy = new Map<Id , Hierarchy__c>(); //Hierarchy Index, used to determine spaces before the name starts private static Integer hirarchyIndex = 0; //name of account for which hierarchy is created public String AccountName {get;set;} public hierarchy() { if(ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('accountid') != null) { ID AccountID = ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().get('accountid'); AccountName = [Select Name From Account where id =: AccountID].Name; //Get all hierarchy records related to account mapHierarchy = new Map<Id , Hierarchy__c>([Select Name , Parent_Hierarchy__c From Hierarchy__c Where AccountId__c =: AccountID]); List<Hierarchy> listParentHierarchy = new List<Hierarchy>(); hierarchyItemList = new List<hierarchyItem>(); for(Hierarchy__c h : mapHierarchy.values()) { if(h.Parent_Hierarchy__c == null) { hierarchyItemList.add(new hierarchyItem( h.Name , 0)); mapHierarchy.remove(h.id); hierarchyItemList = getChildHierarchy(h.id , hierarchyItemList); } } } } //Method to get child records private List<hierarchyItem> getChildHierarchy(Id parentId , List<hierarchyItem> currentHierarchyItemList) { hirarchyIndex = hirarchyIndex + 1; for(Hierarchy__c h : mapHierarchy.values()) { if(h.Parent_Hierarchy__c == parentId) { hierarchyItemList.add(new hierarchyItem( h.Name , hirarchyIndex)); mapHierarchy.remove(h.id); //Get child records of child hierarchyItemList = getChildHierarchy(h.id , hierarchyItemList); } } hirarchyIndex = hirarchyIndex - 1; return currentHierarchyItemList; } //Inner class for maintaing hierarchy items public class hierarchyItem{ public String itemValue{get;set;} public String hirarchyIndexNo{get;set;} public hierarchyItem(String itemValue , Integer hirarchyIndexNo) { String spaceCount = ''; for(integer i = 0 ; i < hirarchyIndexNo ; i++) spaceCount = spaceCount + ' '; this.itemValue = spaceCount + itemValue; } } }
<apex:page controller="hierarchy"> <apex:form> <apex:pageBlock> <apex:pageblockSection columns="1" title="Hierarchy For {!AccountName}"> <apex:repeat value="{!hierarchyItemList}" var="item"> <apex:pageBlockSectionItem> <apex:outputLabel value="{!item.itemValue}" escape="false"/> </apex:pageBlockSectionItem> </apex:repeat> </apex:pageblockSection> </apex:pageBlock> </apex:form> </apex:page>
In VFP I have used escape="false" in the outPutLabel to allow html rendering in our case &npsp; to show blank space. We can easily achieve this using it without it with use of Apex:Variable and calculate space with help of it.
Now give URL to your VFP in address bar and pass account id in query string
like this
View The result
In above Child2 has come first as Hierarchy records are coming from SOQL are DESC order of Last Modified date.
This worked great for my use case! Thanks for sharing this.
ReplyDelete3 expansion questions:
1) My case is Countries, States and Cities as Parent, Child, GrandChild Respectively. I would like to have Data Display by States Alphabetically and then City Alphabetically. How can I achieve this? I tried
mapHierarchy = new Map([Select Name , Parent_Hierarchy__c From Service_Area__c ORDER BY NAME ASC]); but it did not change anything.
2) I need my data to be used as links, and the escape attribute is not supported in the . How would I use Apex:Variable and calculate space with help of it?
3) If I want to display the number of cities in 4 columns, do you have any thoughts on an easy solution to achieve this? Lets say I displayed each country list in a separate pageblocksection and I distributed the list of cities over 4 columns. Any suggestions
This can be achieved without using another object to keep track of your hierarchy
ReplyDeleteNot displaying any hierarchy in VFP.
ReplyDeleteyes. not working
ReplyDeletei hava an adoption to show up every Product Group. The Problem why the code above fails is that you have to initialise hierarchyItemList befor addin anything.
my Code
public class hierarchy{
//List of items to be displayed in hierarchy
public List hierarchyItemList {get;set;}
//map of all hierarchy records related to for a account for which we are showing hierarchy
private Map mapHierarchy = new Map();
//Hierarchy Index, used to determine spaces before the name starts
private static Integer hirarchyIndex = 0;
//name of account for which hierarchy is created
public String WarengruppeName {get;set;}
public hierarchy()
hierarchyItemList = new List();
mapHierarchy = new Map([Select Name , Ebene__c, RecordType.Name From Warengruppenstruktur__c]);
for(Warengruppenstruktur__c h : mapHierarchy.values())
//private Map mapHierarchy1 = new Map([Select Name , Ebene__c, RecordType.Name From Warengruppenstruktur__c Where RecordType.Name ='Ordner']);
if(h.Ebene__c == null)
hierarchyItemList.add(new hierarchyItem( h.Name , 0));
hierarchyItemList = getChildHierarchy(h.id , hierarchyItemList);
catch(Exception ex){
System.debug('ERROR ' + ex.getMessage());
//Method to get child records
private List getChildHierarchy(Id parentId , List currentHierarchyItemList)
hirarchyIndex = hirarchyIndex + 1;
for(Warengruppenstruktur__c h : mapHierarchy.values())
if(h.Ebene__c == parentId)
hierarchyItemList.add(new hierarchyItem( h.Name , hirarchyIndex));
//Get child records of child
hierarchyItemList = getChildHierarchy(h.id , hierarchyItemList);
hirarchyIndex = hirarchyIndex - 1;
return currentHierarchyItemList;
//Inner class for maintaing hierarchy items
public class hierarchyItem{
public String itemValue{get;set;}
public String hirarchyIndexNo{get;set;}
public List subItems{get;set;}
public hierarchyItem(String itemValue , Integer hirarchyIndexNo)
String spaceCount = '';
for(integer i = 0 ; i < hirarchyIndexNo ; i++)
spaceCount = spaceCount + '>';
this.itemValue = spaceCount + itemValue;
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